Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You have changed so much since the last time I wrote. You are walking/running/climbing/exploring EVERYTHING. You've learned what the word "mine" means and you use it extremely often. Recently you have started hitting us and you have been getting into trouble for it. You're a cross between sweet, loving, and cuddly yet stingy and short tempered. It's no secret to anybody that they temper comes from me, as I myself am very short fused, however......I have developed a LOT of patience with you. When you get in trouble, you are more than well aware that one smile and I give in and all is forgotten, but in an attempt to prevent you from beating up EVERY kid at daycare, I have been forced to become a little tougher with you. You are learning quickly that unlike your mother, I rarely put my foot down when it comes to you, but when I do - it does not come back up. I have started making you stand in the corner and the first time you tried to turn around a couple of times, and I picked you up and redirected you toward the wall. Once you realized that the purpose was for you to be in timeout, you began crying and you just knew that I would give in, but this time it didn't happen. It broke both of our hearts, I think....But it was necessary.
I guess it's been awhile since I've written, so I'll take us back a few months.
We took you to see fireworks on the 4th of July and you were caught in the middle of being scared and being amused by the colorful designs in the sky.
You are a great kid. The newness has not worn off a bit, every single day I am thankful to be your dad and to have such a smart, beautiful and amazing child in my life. You make me laugh uncontrolably daily. I pick you up from daycare and normally we have about 2-3 hours to play before your mom gets home. On the warm days we go to the park and slide, swing or just run around, but recently it's been a bit chilly, so we have been wrestling, tickiling, bouncing, jumping, and screaming. You are so much fun.

At 17 months you have learned your ABC's up to about "G" and you can count to 10. Very impressive, you are unbeliebably smart

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