Saturday, May 30, 2009

A few Pictures

From top to bottom
-First picture ever taken of you
-Hospital picture before you came home
-First with picture with mommy

May 30, 2009 - First Haircut

Today you got your' bangs cut off, they were getting pretty long. You were born with a full head of hair and everyone said you would lose it, but you never did and so 1 year and 17 days later, you got you first haircut by Daddy's stylist, Melanie Carpenter.

The First Year

I decided to begin writing a journal for you in case something were to someday happen to me, you would know how I felt about you, or maybe you can just keep it when your’ older so that you will understand the joy that you’ve brought to my life.

The journey of you began on September 14 2007 when I was sitting at the kitchen table when your’ mother came in from the bedroom and told me that she was pregnant. My heart just started pounding and we were both extremely excited. You see, we were told several times that she would not be able to have children and although I really wanted to have a baby, I love your’ mother so much that I accepted that and I was prepared to not have children and fall in love with her all over everyday as I have since the beginning of our relationship. So in short, you were a miracle from the very beginning.

The pregnancy months weren’t as horrible as I was warned about. Your’ mother never had those "midnight urges" and I never had to wake up at 2 in the morning and go to the store for her. She was very tolerable and an awesome pregnant woman. We would go to terra haute for toys and clothes preparing for your’ arrival. We were both very excited. After what seemed to be a long search, your’ mother finally found the crib that she wanted so the two of us, along with your’ grandma and grandpa Kinney headed for terra Haute and to make a long story short(we’ll tell you someday), we ended up in Indianapolis just so we could get the exact crib that we wanted for you. I remember painting your’ room and seeing the joy on your’ moms face as we got the nursery ready. One of the things that stands out in my mind is that I was so impatient for you to get here that I kept asking your mom if I could get the diaper bag and hospital bag ready, and I was probably told "not yet" 20 times.

On May 13, 2008 we went to the hospital for an emergency c-section. When I arrived in the room several minutes after your’ mom, I was instantly relieved because the doctors were all co-workers and friends of your’ moms. Dr Miller, Jolina Martin, and Dr Peters all welcomed you, and just the feeling of knowing your’ mom was comfortable with all of them there, made me feel great. I held your’ mom’s hand and after a few short moments you were here with us. The doctors checked you out and if you ever were curious, I actually held you before mom. You didn’t cry one bit, not at all. I took a picture of you on my cell phone from the delivery room so that I could send it to everyone imaginable. We were very very proud to be your’ new parents, and I’ll never forget the feeling that I felt that day. I left the delivery room and the doctor brought you out with me so that your grandpa Strebing, Grandma Heath, Grandpa and grandma Kinney could also welcome you to the world. We were told early on that you were a boy - your' name was going to be Braiden Lee Norland Kinney, I was so excited because I was able to name a child after my father, but if I knew then what I knew now, you are the only child that I want, you are so completely awesome, I can't imagine ever being this happy. I no longer want a boy, you are evrything that I want and you have me tied around your' finger. You, along with your' mom own my heart.
In your’ moms recovery room, she stayed for a few days and I stayed one night I think, and spent the rest at home so Oscar didn’t go nuts. They brought you to us often and we couldn’t get enough of you. You had lots and lots of visitors from both sides of the family. You still never cried. I don’t think you made a sound for the whole first week that you were born. When your’ mother held you, you were both at peace and she just glowed with joy.
I wish I could remember the date but I can’t remember the date that we actually brought you home. I just remember driving really slow because I didn’t want to hit any bumps.
Fast forward to October 2008………………………… You are such the perfect baby. Very playful, very giggly. You have learned to play us and cry for the parent that you want to hold you. If you don’t get your’ way you are a monster, but for the most part, like I said – perfect. You coo and caw, and squeel and giggle, you are the cutest baby I have ever seen. Sometimes my patience get the best of me and I have to depend on your’ mom to put you at ease because you’ve gotten the best of me. She is very good with you, very gentle, very calm for the most part and I have to say that she is a really good mother, and I have been impressed with her since the beginning. When I get frustrated with you throwing fits, I can always depend on her, she is extremely good with you.
For halloween she decided that you were going to be a lady bug, and you were so cute. You’re on the edge of learning how to crawl. You get up on all fours and rock back and forth, we both just smile at you because you do it and the biggest smile comes across your’ face, you are so proud of yourself and so are we. You’ll get it, your’ so close, just keep trying we tell you. I often times pick you up out of your’ crib when you’re sleeping just so I can feel you on my chest. I will lay you on me and lay on my back and take a nap while your’ arms hang to my side and your head on daddy’s shoulder. I love that, I probably do it just about everyday at some point. You love Oscar, we were afraid that he would be a little jealous when we brought you home, and he was, but he got over it. He is now very protective of you. It’s funny but when were not in the same room as you and you begin to cry he will pace from the room that you’re in to the room where we are. You love that dog.

November 2008…………………..You are starting to get really good with your’ hands. You hold things well, and play with your’ toys a little, rather than just shoving them in your’ mouth, they still end up in your’ mouth but they do get a little play time now. You are 100% against a pacifier and all about being a thumb sucker. You can almost but not quite feed yourself with a bottle, you can hold it for a few moments. We’ve started (by "we" I mean your’ mom) feeding you baby food with a spoon. You are very messy, but like everything else that you do, it’s cute. You’re beginning to be an even funnier baby than before, the noises that you make are so funny, we just laugh and laugh sometimes at them. Tomorrow will be your’ first Thanksgiving. On Friday you will spend the day with your’ great grandparent while your’ mother and I go shopping. It’s called black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year – I’m 100% certain that when old enough to walk you will be taking my place as your’ mother almost seems genetically obligated to raise you as a shopper. Things have been a little stressful for us both lately and we need a day for the two of to be together and re-explore the joy of picking out gifts for your’ first christmas.

November 28, 2008....................I thought that I would take my "journal" time today to type randomly. Today is the day after Thanksgiving and you went to your' great grandparents house, while your' mother and I went christmas shopping. They said that you were absolutely perfect and that you fell right asleep when it was nap time, which leaves mom and myself to wonder what we are doing wrong. We wonder that because when you're with the two of us, you are against naps, and will fight and fuss and do everything possible to not fall asleep.
Now, as far as the random typing thing. I just wanted to give you a better idea of who your' daddy is. Sometimes ,I admit, that I think I'm stronger than I really am, but the one thing that makes me "not so strong" is when you hurt. The first time that we took you to the doctor for shots, it hurt you so much, you were screaming and along with you, I began to cry myself, I hold you often, but that night I don't think that I put you down for literally hours because I felt so bad for having to take you to the doctor. Your' mom is so much stronger than I am with those situations, maybe because she can forsee the fact that the shots are better for you in long run, or possibly because she gives shots herself sometimes, but so far you've been in for shots twice I believe, and so far I have not been able to be in the room with you. Another situation that comes to mind is when you had an awful diaper rash, it was bad, you were bleeding it was so raw. You cried and cried and it was tolerable although I felt bad, but I tried to soak you in the tub to ease the pain and the water made it burn even more, you were in obvious horrible pain. I brought you out of the tub and held you tight and once again, the tears welled up in my own eyes. I can tolerate you crying because your' hungry or tired, but it kills dad when you feel pain. Every day I see men and women with babies and children, and it's extremely hard for me to ever believe that they are loved by their parents as much as you are loved by mom and me. You are our dream and we love you very much. There is no better feeling in the world than knowing that you are our wonderful daughter. You are sitting on my lap as I write and just to put a smile on your' face when you read this I am going to turn you loose on the keyboard, so here goes............ r nhn y g ...............okay, we'll work on your typing skills someday. You are very aware of what's going on around you. Your' surroundings just amaze you, you look around and check out everything that's going on. your' hand eye coordination is very good and I would (probably bias) say well beyond your' age of six months. You're a pincher, whoever is holding you gets the excitement of seeing you smile and coo, but also pay's the price when you grab a nose or a handfull of cheek and pinch. You are curious about everything now. you want to touch things, and figure out what they are. you've learned, and I'll add that i'm incredibly impressed by it, but you've learned that when the parent that you want to hold you, isn;t in fact the one that's holding you, you can just fake a cough to try and get their attention. you also fake a cough to get oscar's attention, and when you're in your' crib and you don't want to be, once again, you will throw out a pretend cough. You are also begininng to copy what other people are doing. I will lay you on your' belly on the floor and when I hit the floor with my hand, you will repeat. I will hold you up so that we are face to face and I will scream or roar and you will playfully scream back. There is no doubt about it, we both think, as well as everyone else, that you are a very smart baby.

Dec 1, 2008...........You are growing up right in front of us(well not really, but you are progressing very rapidly). Yesterday (Nov 30) was the very first day of your' life that it snowed. Although it was cold, I opened the front door and you watched it snow. You seemed pretty amused by it. Your' mom put up Christmas lights and put the Christmas tree up, you love the lights. Last night I was feeding you and your' eyes never looked away from them. I know that I have a long way to go, but I can't wait until the time when we can make a snowman together, or I can take you sledding down a hill. You're in a great mood today, laughing and giggling. You are being really fun. I also learned that you have outsmarted the barrier pillows that we lay around you when we put you on the bed to play. I walked into the bedroom and you had climbed over one and very close to the edge. Thank God nothing happened to you, I would not forgive myself. I guess what that means is that we need to come to the realization that you are going to grow and begin doing new things. Crawling for example, rolling dangerously close to the edge of the bed, getting into cabinets, etc; etc;............. So now my new goal is to Macie proof this house. I told myself and everyone I knew(even people I didn't know) the day that you were born, that you would always be the perfect child, and you are in most ways, but I have a strong feeling now that you will be a monster when it comes to getting into things that you shouldn't be in to. I think this more and more every day when more of your' mom comes out in you, and believe me, when I tell your' mother "NO", I might as well just say "Yes", because she's either already done it(which baffles me why she even asks if she's already done it), or she's going to do it anyway. This makes me smile when I'm alone, but really drives me nuts at the time. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that you are starting to show signs of being exactly like her, I know that you'll definately carry character traits of both of us, but the temper tantrums and being onry, that's certainly, all mom, as well as the huge smile and being completely overjoyed when you get what you want...........................Oh boy, I have to handle to of them now!!!!

Dec 7, 2008..........Well, it's been an interesting weekend. Yesterday you were boycotting sleep so I laid down on the bed with you on my chest in hopes that you would fall asleep. We both did eventually fall asleep but I was obviously in a deeper sleep than you were because when I woke up it was to you screaming and your' mother running into the room. I will never forget this day because I was extremely shaken up about that fact that you had awakened, crawled off of my chest and made your' way to the edge of the bed where you proceeded to fall of of the bed. How you did it without injury is amazing. I'm so happy that you were smiling 5 minutes later. To this point in time, I have never been so emotionally hurt, but I felt more awful about it than you can ever imagine.
Today we played. You have been fighting sleep all day. Tonight I was pulling up your' shirt and blowing on your' tummy and tickling you. You were going crazy laughing and giggling. it was incredibly cute. Your' laugh/scream, cracks me up.

Dec 10, 2008..........What a difference 3 days make. When I say that I am not joking in the least bit. When I wrote the last entry on the 7th, you were still falling over and rolling around. Half crawling/scooting, but now..................Now you have learned to sit up and stay in that position. last night we put you in your' crib alone in your' bedroom for a little while and when I came in to check on you, you had pulled yourself up and was literally standing up in the crib leaning over the edge. it made me realize that you are not going to be a little helpless baby forever.

Dec 30, 2008..........I have 3 weeks of catching up to do in today's entry. let's see here, you are amazing. We are having a great time with you, you're playful, giggly, sitting up extremely well, crawling like a champ and standing up in your' crib. You loved your' first christmas, you got so many toys and you surprisingly did very well unwrapping them. We would tear a little piece of the wrapping paper and you went to town with the rest of it. The wrapping paper went straight into your' mouth and you seemed at first to be more impressed with the paper than the toys, but once we threw the paper away you started to play and you just smile and laugh and you love the sounds that they make.. For christmas I asked your' mother to marry me and she said "yes". I've never been a bad boyfriend to her, but I promised her that I would do whatever it takes to be a great fiance and husband, and since then I have, without any effort and things have been so great, we are a vey happy and loving family. Someday you'll be old enough to see just how much I really do Love your' mom. You and her are my whole universe and I can't imagine life without the both of you. I may not always show her, but I am so madly in love with her. I never get a day to spend with you an me only, so today I had the day off of work, and i called your' babysitter and we played all day. I loved it, and you enjoyed it to. We had a great time.

Jan 12,2009 ........... Daddy hasn't written you in awhile so I will do my best to get you up to speed.... You are a busy little girl always wanting to be doing something weather it be watching T.V-your favorite is the Mickey Mouse Club or as we found out one night Shrek! You love playing with all the new toys that you got at christmas. I think you are starting to cut teeth because you have been a grump not only at home but at Tina's. You are learning to pull your self up on furniture or anything you can get ahold of and so far you aren't doing to bad. It won't be too long and you will be off and running. Daddy and I have been going through what seems like a rough patch but i know it will get better I just don't know when or how it's going to happen. Just know that everyday everything I do is for you and to make sure that you have everything you need. Even if I lack something you will always be taken care of. hmm what else has gone on around here..... Daddy has started the process for re-enlistment for the marines but sometimes i think it's because I've been pushing him.. I hope that if that's not what he wants he will say something...although i really think that it would make things better for all of us. You go see the dr in a few weeks to figure out what is going on with that little heart of yours. I don;t know if daddy told you but your hands and feet turn first it scared me but it happens almost everyday now so we all have kind of gotten used to it. I just hope everything will turn out ok.... I worry about you everyday and so does Dr. Hensold (Thats who mommy works for) He asks about you almost everyday just to make sure there isnt any change in the situation. Mommy is going through some pretty scary things right now... I have cysts groing on my insides and I have to have some more tests run just to make sure it is nothing scary.....the ring daddy got me is the most prettiest thing i have ever seen. Better than anything i've ever owned!!! well thats about all i have for now Just remember Mommy Loves You!!!!

March 31, 2009 ............ ok so i know we have missed alot but you walked for the first time yesterday. The whole length of the living room... i didn't believe it until i came home and saw you do it.... you were amazing... you have 2 teeth now and are getting so big. before too long you will be a year old and i wish you could stay little forever. I never thought you would grow up soo fast. You still fight sleep like you wouldn't believe but i think it is because you are afraid you might miss something. You are getting so much better at eating regular food i can't believe the things that you like.... you've had garlic bread!! fruits, blueberry muffins and so much more... your birthday is just a little more than a month away and i am thinking that we are going to have a huge party... well i know we will you will get to have cake and ice cream which i am sure you will love. daddy keeps trying to get me to cut your hair but i just can't do it... you are too precious just the way you are. well off to dinner.... i will try to keep up on this!!

April 11, 2009..............Today I felt bad for you as I took you out in the cold to Memorial Stadium(where the Illini play football), we went over to watch Mommy run in a race and she did great. the cold didn't seem to bother you too much. You have this new(ish) thing where we say "yay" and you clap your' hands as to congratulate yourself. Everytime you do something good, we say "yay" and you make sure everyone knows that you are proud of yourself. Today was funny, because we probably watched 500 cross the finish line and every single time somebody would yell "yay" and every single time you clapped. It was pretty cute. You are getting VERY good at walking, now. and you always want everything that you are NOT suppose to have. It's a full time job trying to keep you out of trouble. You are also getting increasingly spoiled and you throw the biggest temper tantrum when you don't get your' way. I've never heard a kid scream so loud and for so long. it's pretty much your' way or the highway. You are getting more playful, more smiles, more laughs. A lot more smarter, you were smart before but you are learning things so fast and picking up on things.

May16, 2009............ We had your birthday party today at Catlin park and it was a little windy but you had a great time and got lots of presents! You are into everything these days and starting to eat real food. You liked the icing on the cake but wanted no part of the actual cake!! Everyone was there on your special 1st birthday and your face lit up when you opened your gifts.

May 30, 2009...........You are amazing. You can walk, your' favorite activities include pulling all of the DVD's off of the shelf and throwing them on the floor, trying to sneak dog food from the bowl to your' mouth, swinging in your' tree swing, and beating up on the dogs. You are so funny. You can say Daddy, Mama, Bye, Boo, and ramble all kinds of senseless babble. You can blow a kiss, we've taught you to touch our noses and it makes a honking sound(you laugh hysterically), I'm currently teaching you the word "share" and when I say it, you are really good about handing me whatever you are playing with. I'm very proud. You can play peek-a-boo. I sit you in your high chair at the kitchen table and normally give you a stack of animal crackers and I couldn't figure out why you'd be whining 2 minutes later and out of them, but then I realize that another one of your' favorite activities include feeding the dogs when nobody is looking.
The main subject recently is your' crib. Currently you are sleeping at night in a playpen in our bedroom, your' mommy insists that we make you start sleeping in your own room in your crib. I am 100% against it. I have to be able to see you from where I am. You have slept in your room 2 or 3 times, and everytime, Daddy has to sleep on the couch right outside your' room with my head closest to your door. It kills me to not be in the same room with you at night. Some people make fun of me, and tell me I have to let you sleep in there, but you know what? You'll figure out someday that Daddy doesn't live his life to make others happy, it's all about you. I'm not ready to let you sleep in a room alone.

Since you've come into my life

This Blog has been created so that someday my wonderful Daughter Macie read it. I think that it would be pretty neat to have information like this from when I was a child.

The second reason is for the fact that you never know when your' time comes, and if I leave this world before she's old enough to understand, she will be able to comprehend just how much she means to me.